Air quality monitoring for smart solutions.

Sensors, software and actions for optimizing indoor and ambient air quality.

The YOBI platform is ideal for monitoring infoor and urban air quality. We supply you with the appropriate hardware and dashboards.

YOBIIQ is here to provide and advise on the choice of hardware for measuring various parameters of infoor and urban (outdoor) air quality.

The focus of YOBIIQ lies in the Internet of Things and LoRaWAN as a communication technology. With a a central gateway, hundreds of sensors can be monitored, even if they are distributed over a range of several kilometers.

LoRaWAN is (usually) a Low Power Network meaning that the sensors are mostly battery or solar-powered. This means that installation on-site usually does not require infrastructure like electricity or networking.

Monitoring and advice

View air quality insights 24/7 – and get recommendations on where to take actions

Designed for compliance

Adjust intervals from minutes to hours to meet your required regulations.

Advanced data collection

Collect real-time insights help you understand patterns and predict with confidence.

How Yobiiq products support your Air Quality Index (AQI) objectives?

All the tools you need to keep track of sensor pollutant readings including:

Tell us your goals, and we can deliver a solution for metrics relating to:

Indoor Air Quality Sensor
Close up of dust and dirty on air conditioner filter.

What increases indoor pollutant levels?

Inadequate ventilation can certainly increase indoor pollutant levels. Outdoor air dilutes emissions from indoor sources or not carrying indoor air pollutants out of the area.

That’s why it’s important to have a functioning and well maintained HVAC system. High temperature and humidity can also increase the level of some pollutants in an environment.

Why now’s the time for Air Quality Index solutions ?

“Air pollution is one of the greatest environmental risk to health” according to the World Health Organization.

Most Europeans spend 90% of their time indoors. So improving air quality, not just measuring it, is essential.

By utilizing measures to collect Indoor Air Quality or Ambient Air Quality (outdoor) you can start visualizing where to take actions, to minimize this risk.

What are some symptoms of poor IAQ?

  • Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat.
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Asthma to appear, or existing asthma to be aggravated or worsen

Long term exposure can lead to serious health issues. For example, heart disease and cancer.

Going beyond basic Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) indicators

The coronavirus pandemic underlined the need for measuring Indoor Air Quality. Across every office room, classroom and public place.

Many manufacturers developed devices to measure IAQ. Some were good, some less good. Some had nice LED indicators; others came with smiley or sad faces.

But really, there’s no point putting in place these important measuring solutions – if you rely on users to notice these smileys or LED indicators.

What’s more, there’s more to IAQ than simply measuring a carbon dioxide PPM level.

There’s the temperature, relative humidity, air speed. Plus concentration of certain pollutants and toxics (that Yobiiq products measure).

Studies show that poor indoor air quality has an impact on the health of the building occupants, while this is true it also has a big impact on the comfort of building occupants and as such on the overall well-being.

Ready to make Air Quality measurement smarter?

YOBI Cloud as comprehensive platform.

View live data of your Air Quality measurements on personalized views or live maps. Invite your employees or customers to view and collaborate on Air Quality Measurements!


Yobiiq has always been a distributor with an added value, from consulting to installation exploring the edges of technology.